Update on COVID-19

Our thoughts are with all who have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We want to share with you, in response to the outbreak, the precautions MDS Global are taking to ensure that the health and welfare of our employees, customers and communities are our number one priority.

In line with the measures recommended by the World Health Organisation and our national Public Health body, business continuity plans are in place and we continue to monitor the coronavirus situation closely. Our employees are now able to work remotely, business and customer travel has been restricted to essential, and we’re leveraging the many great tools and technologies that we have in order to continue to work productively.

Any MDS Global personnel who are working on customer or partner premise have been asked to adhere to that company’s and public bodies’ coronavirus protocols.

While COVID-19 is a rapidly changing and fluid situation, we are committed to keeping you informed and remain confident that we can continue to deliver the same level of customer service that you expect of us.

If you have any questions or concerns, please directly contact myself, your account manager or email info@mdsglobal.com.

Steve Bowen
CEO, MDS Global Ltd